END TIMES POLL, (started in May 2020), see bottom of page!

31st, Oct, 2023: In the light of the recent Hamas Israeli conflict I think I should highlight these words for you to watch out for and test,  (C74), (C75). Watch these three one min vid clips  from US Col. Macreggor on todyas Hamas Israeli conflict and its international implications, Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3. Could this lead to Gog of Magog war with Israel, Ez 38?

End Times words received since 1992: Gods mandate to me, in early 2003, was; "as the smaller prophet in the smaller nation, (i.e. the UK), make the prophecies available to the larger prophets in the larger nation, (i.e. the USA), [which Ive done repeatedly since then]. " I was then led to build this website via two words from others in 2003 & 2004, the above is the design I was given. The site was completed in 2005 then, after repeated Islamic hacks in 2013, was rebuilt as .co.uk. Beware of self effort and wish fulfilment "prophecies" or trying to speak your own version of reality into being, (which can = witchcraft). These pedictions appear to me to be starting to come to pass and lining up with the end times scriptures in the bible

Get informed and active v theIHR’s and the surrender of our sovereignty to theWHOo, (link)*

WARNING: A POTENTIAL INCREASE IN DEATHS, (LINK), (a watchman not a prophetic warning!)

To avoid bot censorship the spellings "voxxine," "cavid1/9," etc were used throughout.

Use this site, to send an email to all politicians, follow the simple instructions

Start of final Voxxine Article, (ongoing)

i) Understanding the Jewish idiom; “no one knows the day or hour," (link). ii) Where the great apostasy, (of 2 Thess 2 v 3), will start & how it'l manifest, (A40*). iii) The sign that the Ez 38, Gog of Magog war has arrived, (C74). iv) All Israel will then turn to Christ (C75), (see Rm 11; 26). v) Revivals across the M. East and World will then follow. See Isaiah Ch 19; Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, parts of Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Kuwait + Iraq, unite in God, all the lands promised to Abraham in Gen 15; 18. vi) End Times Revivals will vary in intensity; the greatest in Chinese and African /majority black churches, then the M. Eastern and S. American churches, then the E. European, Western and Asian churches. See words on the 7 Lamps from the "Rev 13" link in bar above. Beware of false "revivals," though, as deception will be on the increase too, so dont give yourself over to anything spiritual as it may be of the occult. Only accept biblical manifestations of the Spirit. Follow Jesus' example in this!

Today: "The Globalist Plan to Build a One World Government," (A85). For their progress so far, see second half of (A89), and (A72) on the E.U. Keep studying Rev Ch 13 in the bible. In 2021 the G7 Nations agreed to intro CBDC's, i.e. a digital currency for a cashless society, with Chinese style credit controls, (link), see (A24). BBC Radio 4 is advocating hand chips, (link).

Please send an em to your M.P, (link), they are only getting Big Pharma's info, controlled by the Big Bankers, Rockkefellas, Rotheschhildds etc and oligarchs like Bill Gattes, who also control most of the main media, (link), plus 80 - 95% of Co.'s via Bllackrockk and Vanguarrd influenced shareholdings. We now already live in an oligarchy, not a free market, with their control now manifesting in the political arena too.

Pray to delay the Voxxine I.D Pass, Bill Gattes' boi-digital, Voxx hand tattoo mark, (link), which could = 666 later. Please save these & other prophecies as more censorship is surely coming, with probable, faked internet terrorism crisies used as the excuse, or the new power of A.I which will soon be able to fake videos. 

A Strategy to legally, safely and effectively email all of the UKs MP's with some of the above Info and videos, (link). A site that can now help yu do this even easier, (link)

Detailed, ongoing voxxine article, this is taking some time, as new info keeps emerging, so I may have to redo this, (link).

Info and new videos, (link) since the pundemic started, on issues such as authoritarianism, propaganda, NWO  etc.

The Prophecy Today Magazine's online review of the end times and similar warning to beware and keep watch, (link)

I feel the need to tidy up and explain this Home Page: This is fundamentally a Prophecy Website, set up in 2005. I prefer not to seek major prophecies but let God initiate the process. The flow of words had largely dried up by 2018 after I was called to an Activist role. I've had problems fulfilling most of this due to health issues so temporarily put those notes and watchman warnings on this site. The two, therefore, got mixed together on this Home Page, which isn’t ideal. However, I am unable to add to my watchman wordconnect.org website but needed to share this info. Prior to this, in 1988, Ez 33. 1- 9 leapt out of the bible at me, highlighted by an anointing, revealing that I was called to be a watchman and that it is absolutely essential that watchman hand out warnings about the enemy attacks that they see coming upon the church. If they fail to do this they will be held personally responsible for the harm those attacks cause. I was shown later that, quote; "it is better to warn people badly than not warn them at all."  Whilst I believe God showed me that this analysis "grounded" the prophecies on the site inluding them was intended as a temporary solution. I’ve not been able to move on from this yet. Adding to health issues my landlord is also selling up and I’m being evicted in the middle of a housing, rents and homelssness crisis. Im getting pretty overun! .... P.S: Added several months later - I suppose that’s all not surprising. The end times prophecies on this site are already starting to come to pass. The half finished activist notes reveal the way in which this is starting to happen. Particularly the early stage of the rising up of the, (western based), G7/G8 Global Beast Empire of Rev Ch 13. [Did you notice how, in Tucker Carlson recent interview, (on the 10th of Feb 2024), Putin revealed that he had sought to join NATO in the past. Well he probably still desires this today? link]. Before that 666 Global Empire emerges these prophecies predict that the church within the western world will be overrun, for a season, by spiritual attack. That includes me. Although I consider myself to have joined, and now identify with being a part of the African section of the body of Christ, (in order to access their higher level of protection from deception and greater level of corporate anointing in the future), that anointing has not yet been sent by God and I still live within the West. It’s not surprising, therefore, that I am getting overrun myself, (we are all unique but there’s certainly nothing special about me in God). God warned me back in 2017 that if I wasn’t able to/or didn’t succeed in securing healing I wouldn’t be able to fulfil my Activist Ministry. Well for various reasons and errors on my part that didn’t happen, (but God is still sovereign). Instead the paandemic took me by surprise, before I was healed, so I wasn’t ready and didn’t have enough energy. I’ve, therefore, known, since then, that I couldn't fulfil my Activist role. That knowledge put me under less pressure though. Instead I’ve just been doing what I can, in a piecemeal way, in this season, as the enemy advances and overruns us in the UK and Western World. However I do think that the US church is doing a surprisingly good job in resisting and praying against the globalist’s paandemic based plans. Most are not in a position to discern and avoid the coming wave of deception though. Beware of the falling away, its subtle and can, in theory, effect any one of us. We are the vessels, God is the power, not us. Whilst it’s a one sided battle from Heavens perspective, (and for God the future has already happened), from our human perspective it’s certainly not. So don’t assume you're special or safe as that just comes from pride and delusions of grandeur which will make people even more vulnerable. Instead we all need to (quickly) humble ourselves before God, and for that failure can be a huge advantage. Beware of your successes as they could be your downfall. END: That’s not enough, though, for “a camel to go through the eye of a needle,” (which was the name of a small man sized door in a wall in Jerusalem, a necessary short cut, that camels would have to kneel down and be led to ungainly shuffle through on their knees in order to get through, as there was no other way). What did Jesus say? “Narrow is the Gate… narrow the path… and hard is the way that leads to life.” For that we are all going to need Gods help. For goodness sake please don’t set your eyes on self - gain through a ministry in this season; that is just too dangerous, link. Just set your little footsteps after Jesus’ bigger footsteps, and don’t expect them to always perfectly align, you are going to be off angle a lot but keep going in the right general direction regardless. Then, at some point in time the anointing is going to suddenly descend upon you, and anoint in a circle around you, and you are going to find yourself going straight upwards, to the Heavenly Kingdom above, and you will have finished your race by Gods grace. [The last parts of that were what I thought God was leadng me to write so the Home Page did end on a prophetic note]. 



An End Times Poll

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After 2060
Before 2060
Before 2045
Before 2030
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