A31) God’s End Times Sunset, Revival and Catholic Believers, (S. Dobbs, 2005).
Unfortunately I have lost the original copy of this word but as it was quite short I can still remember most of it. I compiled this version in 2015.
I was shown a beautiful /awesome sunset which represented Gods Spirit and glory being revealed through the genuine church in the very end times. There were deep reds, blues, purple, orange, golden and yellow colours within it as you would see in the most spectacular natural sunsets. God showed me that the red, blue and purple colours symbolised the glory of God that will be revealed within the (former) protestant parts of the global body of Christ as His Spirit moves powerfully in the end times. The yellow, orange and golden colours symbolised Gods glory being revealed at this time through the former Catholic members of the body of Christ.
I saw that the genuine Catholic followers of Christ would receive the greatest ever revelation of the Lordship of Christ as His Spirit moved powerfully amongst them too. This was symbolised by the yellow, orange and golden colours in the sunset. This revelation would lead the genuine Catholic believers to leave the organisation of the Catholic Church and coming out from under the authority and Lordship of the Catholic Pope in this season.
[An end time’s global revival will, therefore, take place and will also influence many believers within the Catholic Church. This will lead all believers who submit their lives to Christ to leave the organisation of the Catholic Church at that time. I’m not sure if this is relevant but the yellow, orange and golden colours appeared to make up almost half of the sunset which suggested to me that there may be as many genuine believers coming from within the Catholic Church as those with a protestant background, who were symbolised by the red, blue and purple colours in the sunset ].
S. Dobbs, rewritten in 2015.