Global Prophecies

A54) Global Changes in the Church, (C. Simpson, 1993)

A54) Global Changes in the Church, (C. Simpson, 1993).

(This links to Nos A4, A42, A26, C25, C7, C5, A10, end of A11, A30, B11, A1, A51, A45, A40, A27, A33, A23, C19, C41, C27, C45, and end of C15).

Restoration 93, Stoneleigh.

I would like to share what I believe is a word from the Lord.

When the Apostles came and spoke of the Lord, they spoke of an age to come. They spoke of having tasted of the powers of the age to come. And they spoke of men and women coming from all corners of the earth and sitting in the Kingdom of God with the Lord Jesus.

But many who heard them had their faith in the age that was and even though they said and professed that their faith was in the age to come as the age around them collapsed, so did their faith collapse, for they could not comprehend what was taking place. Though they had received the word it was not mixed with faith. And even though letters were written such as to the Hebrews which exhorted them to go on and follow on to know the Lord, that Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, today and forever, nevertheless as their fathers did in the wilderness, they turned back for they could not understand that though they had begun on a promise of a tomorrow their faith was in today.

And so it shall be in our generation that many shall hear of tomorrow but their faith is actually in today and when today begins to pass away their faith shall pass away with them. But even as the Apostles proclaimed the word of the Lord that there was an age to come and though some turned back yet there were many who did not know the ages past. There were many who did not know the cultures past or the old ways that embraced the things of God. There were many who came out of darkness into light so that the word which was framed by the Apostles came to pass. And greater was the magnitude of the new than the old. And there were many who had not tasted of the powers of the age to come but when it came they embraced it and ate fully of it.

And I say unto you that though some shall turn aside because their faith is in today, there are many who have no faith today, that when tomorrow comes will leap onto it as into great waters. They will eat as a great banquet, they will drink as a great cup.

Therefore I say unto you, you can be seed of the things to come, you can endure and embrace those words. And when the chaff falls away and when the darkness has gone and when all that passed away that will pass away with it, there will be a dawn, says the Lord, and there will be glory. For the word of the Apostles will come to pass again and the word which has been spoken unto you will come to pass. And if you will endure the night joy will come in the morning. And you will see those who have been heathen and those that you looked upon and said they could never embrace this, even as the Jews said it of the Gentiles. I say unto you, they shall come flooding into the Kingdom, they shall come from the North, and South and the West and great shall be the glory of God when His word is fulfilled.


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