Global Prophecies

A85 Links page

A85 Links page for start and end of article:

You can subscribe to many of the sites below for medical and political news etc. Try and drew most opinions from the virologists though as ordinary doctors can be taken in by false scientific information about Viruses. Most of these sites are not Christian and I cannot vouch even for those that are. Some may contain both truth and error, the point is they are not censoring anti-globalists evidence and facts from whistle blower Virologists and other Doctors about the virus.  I’ve tried to place them in order of how I would perhaps rank them, although I’m more familiar with some sites than others so this is a bit of a random list. Unfortunately there’s scant little decent news coming out from most of the Christian sites that I’m aware of. In the UK and W. Europe I’m unaware of anything, instead the Christian sites there appear to be following the world into the pit of deception. Most of the leading whistle blower Doctors do not have sites of their own but can be found on the sites below. If I was to do this again I would use a separate email for subscribing to all the sites below so my main email box didn’t get swamped.

YouTube and Facebook are both heavily censored, so Channels on them will only have limited info.

The TOR browser: I would recommend downloading the Tor Browser for searches, (this is still legal in the UK), as Google appear to be rigging the rankings against Christian and pandemic whistle-blower sites and videos which then makes it appear the main body of science supports the globalist agenda’s when the opposite appears to be true.

Video search sites:

Many of the videos now being censored and banned by YouTube are appearing on these other video sites now.



Telegram: has many YouTube censored videos, 


153 News: Uncensored video site

Truth Search Engine:

Other websites and podcasts:

Americas Frontline Doctors: I believe they did the initial interview with Dr Yeadon which went viral and exposed the false science being promoted by Dr Bossche about new variants, perhaps on behalf of Bill Gates who Bossche was previously linked to?

FOX News Youtube Channel: how long this YouTube will last and how toned down it is I’m not sure. It is probably being allowed when other smaller channels have been censored more heavily because the oligarchs don’t want the millions of Fox followers to discover the smaller, independent video search sites. 

FOX News Website: (search for vids on the virus, vaccines, lockdowns and pandemic etc).This is website based so cannot be censored… yet!

Christians For Truth:  


Natural News: Has high output with some very interesting info.

Life Site:

The HighWire with Del Bigtree, responsible for the earlier “Vaxxed” docu-film: great integrity, seek out experts, were taken in by Dr Bossche a while back, (most non virologists were, including myself), I’m not sure if they are still promoting DR Bossche, (who I now believe to be a fake whistle blower who advocates the new variants falsehoods), but they have since accepted Virologist Dr Yeadon’s accurate testimony about new variants and the full dangers associated with the vaccines.

Dr Carrie Madej’ site: An insider who has been warning about the trans human, genetic engineering developments for years, including the likelihood that scientific elites want to use new gene based vaccines to change and then legally patent peoples DNA, effectively enslaving them.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny’s site:  some good scientific evidence

The Dr Ardis Show: a key witness to whats going on.

Prophecy News Watch:

Stew Peter’s podcast:  interviews many of the Doctors, nurses and Virologists who are speaking out against the status quo.


Real Clear Politics:

Sons of liberty:

Lockdown sceptics:

Trial Site News: I would put this higher but not all the info on the latest research into corona viruses is free.

Dr Mercola: (subscribe as due to censorship pressure his website now deletes all articles after just 48 hours).

Forbidden knowledge:  As I remember it this may have a degree of New Age type content on it too but also some goo info too.  

Health Impact News: I cannot remember much about this site.

The True Reporter: reported early on Dr Bridles warnings about spike proteins, appears to also contain other decent scientific info. I intend to look more into this later.

Red Voice:

Citizens Journal:

Contro-News: I’ve not had much time to look at the last three sites but they appear informative.

Liberty galaxy: I’ve only used this site for one link, maybe you would want to check it out more toughly?

David Icke: Credit where credits due, he’s done a good job at researching the issues and promoting much of the same scientific info from whistle blower virologists and Doctors as the other sites listed. Please don’t adopt his unbiblical beliefs about shape shifting alien body snatchers though, (it’s quite absurd and sad to see the God Channel have been promoting a toned down version of the same nonsense). David Icke doesn’t believe the virus exists though, whereas most other researchers believe it was man-made in the Wuhan Lab, and so much evidence supporting this now exists that it has almost become the main narrative outside of Europe.  

Info Wars run by Alex Jones: I’ve really added this site here to expose Alex Jones as a fake conspiracy theorist who is really in the pay of the globalist’s movement. In order to appear genuine he hands out basically the same info though. This may appear paradoxical but it draw’s people away from the genuine sites that can be relied upon to stay the course. It appears to me that at some point the globalist’s elite plan to use Jones to deceive and discourage his viewers, particularly the U.S Christians who follow his site. Who knows, though, maybe as he watches how much damage his pay masters are doing he will change sides? I would expect his expensive looking set up, no doubt funded and promoted the globalist’s elite he serves, would then disappear though, maybe with Alex Jones along with it?  Don’t put your trust in him, go elsewhere, especially if you are a Christian. The whistle blowers who appear on his show, (who will have no idea that it is fake), also appear on the genuine sites with the same messages though. Ironically Alex Jones has, therefore, helped inform a lot of people about what’s really going on.  You could research Alex Jones’ true identity using Tor.

I only found these sites by trial and error, usually from people who had sent me links. It was only after 6 months of painstaking study that I realised much of the information I’d gleaned had been openly available on FOX all along, and that I was lined up with most of the American Christians who, unlike the Europeans, were quite well informed.


T.V GB News Channel: A new pro Brexit T.V News Channel that has only just started up in the UK.  Although not as in line with the globalist agendas as the BBC are this is so far a very disappointing channel. They speak out against mandatory vaccination and enforcing Vaccine Passports but that’s about all… so far. Maybe they are just playing it safe until they have established an audience, are accepted as mainstream without appearing too extreme compared with the likes of the BBC? Its managements and reporters must be aware of the wider News and developments that are being openly aired in the USA and Australia, though. I get the impression that some if its main news compares are ignorant of this whilst others are having to hold back. As it’s a new start up channel it will be interesting to see how it develops and how much freedom it is really being allowed in the UK. It is presently providing only about 2% of the info now available on FOX. Even a recent Channel 5 Program explained the 2021 Wuhan lab man-made covid virus developments, so GB News are certainly holding back more than they have to.  

A Docu-Film called “Vaxxed:” Why not watch the Docu – Film called “Vaxxed” which predates the covid 19 “pandemic” by many years. It reveals how much of the medical sector’s safety oversight appears to have been moving deeper into a state of corruption in previous decades, concerning various vaccines, (link). What has been going on concerning the supposed “pandemic” during 2020 – 2021 hasn’t, therefore, been happening in a vacuum.


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