Global Prophecies

A85 XX Full COnclusion


This is what I perceive to be going on:

The Oligarchs: The most powerful oligarchs, (most noteably the Rocckefeller and Rothschillds banking dynasties, aligned and with influence over the world’s most wealthy individuals), have been operating as one for decades now, to protect their own class interests. As they increase their share of resources and control of the economy they want/need more authoritarian control over the masses to protect their positions of privilege. The richer and more powerful they get the greater the prospect of democratic or revolutionary uprisings against them, and so the more paranoid they become. They will aware of what happened to the privileged class after the French, Russian and then Chinese revolutions. Like legal mafia families they run their own contact networks, espionage ups and think tanks to plan ahead for the future. Their money and great Finance Institutions now control technology, scientific developments, banking and pharmaceuticals and almost every other industry. Having the masses all carry I.D cards, is the ideal way to stop such uprisings. Or better still Biill Gatte’s vaxxine microdot tattoo chip, which can be track and traced 24/7, into perpetuity. They were probably stirred into action by the any one percenter street protests against them following the banking crisis in 2008.

Politicians: Historically the other main threat to the power of these oligarchs are governments and politicians who often seek to limit their monopolies within markets and stop any illegal economic activities they may engage in. It sin t surprising that they seek to get politicians favourable to themselves in power. The Freemasonry network is probably used for this end and more openly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forums leadership program. Schwab recently claimed the majority of the Canadian government’s cabinet were his people. Penny Mordaunt, who recently came third in the UK Tory leadership election, is another. The Rockeefellers have likewise had aligned politicians filling most cabinet positions in the US up until Trumps time in office. For decades these oligarchs appear to have also used their influence within the U.N and the Climate Change issue to draw the majority politicians into various levels of alignment with them. Article on how the oligarchs use the WEF to seek control over the political sphere, Klaus Schwab boasts about having many politicians aligned to the globalists agenda,

Technocrats and the public: The U.N Agenda’s 21 and 30, for sustainable devolvement and protection of the natural environment provide the excuse needed to increase control the masses, to make sure  targets are met. The technocratic Movement laid down the basic structures for doing this through the control, regulation and monitoring everyone’s carbon usage and monitoring of their purchase histories and the control of what people are allowed to buy and sell.  Since the 1930’s the Technocrats have been wanting the free market price setting system of demand and supply to be replaced by an energy based pricing system which can be closely monitored, regulated and controlled by a ruling elite. This movement wants democracy and the rule of the people to be replaced by the authoritarian control of experts and scientists who, in turn, will be under the control of their oligarch pay masters. Under such a system politicians could be side lined. We saw a forerunner to this during the pandemic.  The oligarch’s control of the mass media was utilised to pressurise the politicians in to doing whatever the experts and oligarch controlled “scientists” told them to. Those that didn’t were accused by the mass media of risking peoples lives. The UK’s P.M, Boris Johnson, for example, started out declaring that he wanted to see natural herd immunity develop as the viras spread, with peoples liberties and freedoms remaining intact. However he soon submitted to the oligarch controlled World Health Organisation’s, (W.H.O), call for locckdown’s. He then sought popularity by becoming the poster boy for the fastest voxxination rollouts and before he lost power was keen on voxxine I.D pussports which coerce and are really a move to mandated voxxination. The oligarchs technocratic agendas were enforced upon the public in a way not seen in democracies before as the media used propaganda to sway the masses and influence the decisions of politicians who were all too willing to supress the 10% majority who didn’t agree with these policies.

Biill Gattes, the WHO and voxxine chips, a need for control: Biill Gatess was the oligarch chosen to pressurise, (and bride via donations), the W.H.O into declaring a pandemic and calling for the luckdowns and voxxinations. The oligarchs had used their money and influence over the WHO to usurp control the political agenda away from politicians and had effectively installed their own pseudo political “scientists” as the real leaders over the democratic nations. There was little resistance from politician’s as it was also in their interests to have the more control over the masses with voxxine identity pussports. These would prove useful if needed to combat a growing and violent underclass, possible future riots over food shortages due to climate change, mass migration and a general break down in society. There is also the possibility that the dominance of the western nations could soon end due to their relative economic decline and growing national debs.  Voxxine Pussports also assist the implementation of Agenda 21 and 30 which, unknown to most of the public, the western governments have already, long ago, signed up to.  Most of these politicians thought they were acting in league with the oligarchs to fulfil these agendas which may be what gave them the confidence to proceed without the democratic consent of the public, the majority of whom may have opposed such moves if they were aware of them.

The oligarchs appear to have a deeper agenda: The oligarchs appear to have a deeper agenda, though, thought out decades in advance by their think tanks. Whilst the World Economic Forum, WEF, talk about power sharing between politicians and Corporations, (owned by the oligarchs), they appear to plan for the politicians to become no more than figure heads with no real power, within a reduced fake form of democracy. This could be controlled if necessary with the rigging of elections, as seen already in Russia and China.  The fact the WEF praise the Chines model of authoritarian control suggests that is the direction they intend to move in themselves. China appears to have been in league with the western oligarchs from the start, in what appears to be a temporary alliance to secure these authoritarian ends. Had it not been for the milder omicron variant largely replacing cavid we would all be voxxine chipped and track and traced, 24/7 by Biill Gattes digital, graphene, micro-dot tattoo by now. These oligarchs also appear to want crises in order to batter any resistance out of the public to their authoritarian and self-serving agendas. When people situation worsens they are more likely to accept more radical solutions and many are willing to give up their civil liberties if this offers protection from supposed viruses or harm. Whilst most politicains may have just wanted to secure voxxine passport I.D systems by exaggerating a viras the oligarchs wanted to use the voxxines themselves to promote a real pandemic, with a higher death toll to assist the next stages in their agenda.

Omicron: It became politically impossible to enforce these authoritarian measures once the public became aware that the milder omicron strain by then posed the main threat, because this only resulted in a mild flu like illness. In this 40 secs video clip Biill Gaits makes one of his classic Freudian slips which often give the game away. He claims that Cavid1/9 was never any worse than a flu and that it was only ever the vulnerable elderly who were in any real danger from it. This reveals just how false the oligarch employed “scientists” and mass media’s narrative was and why the honest whistle blower scientists and Doctors were censored to such an extent.

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now flooding upon us, Klaus Schwab. If you want to know the full agenda proposed by the oligarchs look no further than the statements coming out from the W.E.F, particularly its founder Klaus Schwab, (stated “friend,” i.e. employee, of the Rouckefellers and Chairman of the great Finance House, “Vanguard”), link; These socially disassociated members of the Technocratic Movement, (many of whom appear to me to suffer from Asperger’s and, therefore, a lack of empathy),  are buoyed up with sc- fi fantasies of advancing mankind from Human 1.0 to Human 2.0  using gene editing, via voxxines and bio computing which requires graphene and heavy metal nano particles to enter the blood stream; link Also Independent scientists have discovered that the present cavid voxxines all contain high levels of these substances even though they have no medical use and cause serious damage to human health. The harm these toxins can do is just as much as that caused by the spike proteens that the dDNAa and mmNRAa in the vaxxes is designed to produce. The effect, so far, is an increase in death rates across W. Europe by 15%, (the WW2 level in Britain), and higher in the USA and Australia according to official figures. The oligarchs and their cohorts don’t appear bothered by this since they adhere to a depopulation agenda anyway and may see this as “killing two birds with one stone” a price well worth paying for the long term advancement and evolution of mankind. They refer to this as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, moving mankind on to a hybrid speciaies, utilising gene technology and hydrogel which has also been found in the cavid vaxxes. Like the graphene nano particles this can also self-replicate in the blood stream and form what is called cyborg flesh which can grow over and control nuron pathways and be used as switches. Two companies have already successfully created nano chip clusters which are used as chips and artificial tubes within blood vessels in the brain and connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, enabling two paralysed men to control computers and go online using thoughts alone. The world’s richest individual oligarch, Elon Musk’s, and his Co Neuralink, plans to have his own version by the end of 2022. This uses magnetic fields to guide injected magnetised graphene nano particles in to place to form a one layer thick covering over the entire brains surface. This acts as a brain computer interface linked by WiFi, to the internet. Due to their A.I systems now doubling in intelligence every 3 months, this area of science is likely to advance with startling speed. The elite intend t not only control us with voxxine chips but believe they will soon be able to monitor everyone’s biological data and even know when people are lying to them, even to turn the masses into controllable genetically engineered cyborgs who have instructions and emotions downloaded to them from the internet. No more anti 1 percenter protests then. Revelation Ch 13 in the bible only warns about a chip in the hand to buy and sell, though, run by an A.I system, the idol that is given life and can speak. I expect, therefore, that the attempts to introduce this tech on an unsuspecting public, (who still accept genetic jaabs in the belief that omicron can kill them), will lead to the mass the deaths from pestilence warned about in Rev Ch 6 instead - man made pestilence from the spiike proteens created by and self-replicating graphene, hydrogel and other substances contained within the vax. Brain computer interfaces and cyborg technology, 5 mins, Their control agenda clearly runs deeper than just chopping the public although this technology is already here and may pose the greatest threat as it is mentioned in Rev Ch 13 as becoming a reality for all mankind. 


Side effects and deaths: The voxxines have proven to be toxic in many cases with an astonishing level of deaths and side effects to almost every system in the human body. This report by the Telegraph Newspaper at least aknolwedges this although doesn’t necessarily link this to the voxxine rollouts.  The leading politicians do not appear to be aware of this part of the oligarch’s agenda of control. They are, however, implicated since they signed off these voxxines and foolishly guaranteed their safety based on what the oligarch controlled scientists told them. The voxx Co.’s even persuaded Governments to pay out any compensation for any voxxine side effects and deaths, the numbers of which poloticians are now trying to supress due to the huge figures involved. The politicians can't now challenged or expose the oligarchs as they themselves foolishly betrayed the public, broke the Nuremberg Code and coerced the masses into accepting the toxic voxxines. Japanese and western independent scientists claim that every system in the human body can be damaged or destroyed by the contents of these genetic voxxines. It is largely a lottery as it has been found that only 5% of the batches conatin the most toxic substances that are now killing or most seriously injuring 90% of those voxxinated. As they appear to damage the immune system as well it is expected that the death toll will increase with each booster jab. Time will tell. Many politicians still appear to be ignorant or in a state of denial concerning the calamity that they helped promote on their watch. It’s worth remembering that most of these politicians are victims of media propaganda themselves not the controllers of it. The oligarchs on the other hand need ongoing crises in order to press their agenda of control forwards. See section on voxxines for more info on side effects and deaths, link; 

The Great Reset and a cashless digital currency and loss of democracy: Video on the present redistribution of wealth to the super rich, The WEF have announced their intensions for a Great Reset of the western economies, with all resources being owned by the state and corporations run by the oligarchs, with the masses independent and having to rent literally everything from them. This is a natural progression of what has been taking place for centuries anyway, with the oligarchs gaining more power and control of resources. This is a definition of fascism with the masses having their liberties reduced and becoming like the serfs who served the lords under the past feudal system seen in Britain. Democracy is already being lost because most people take it for granted, think it is set in stone and not aware enough to see the need to defend it. The WEF have even claimed they want to put checks and balances on democracy. Due to accepting the luckdown’s national debts have now doubled and governments find themselves even more at the mercy of global banking institutions and markets. Politicians are set to lose more power whereas that of the oligarchs will increase. In April 2021, only two months after the WEF declared it planned for a move to a cashless society, the G7 nations all declared that this is what they would all be moving to. It’s obvious, therefore, that the political class is also aligned with agenda too, vid The public were only told that Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDC’s, were to be introduced without being told what these were link video. This will merge the economies of those G7 nations which are already taking joint governmental decisions as the G7 despite there being no democratic mandate for this. If, after Putins reign, Russia were to be integrated  back into the G8 that would only leave China as an obstacle to the G8 forming a One World Government able to impose its will on all other nations. All empires desire to rule the entire world. I’m sure the technocratic oligarch elite believe they could easily out manoeuvre the politicians into becoming the real shadow leaders of mankind which they seem to perceive as becoming similar to that in Aldous Huxley’s sci-fi novel “Brave New World.” It doesn’t look as though God wants the human race to be genetically engineered in this way through but is allowing these types to rise in power only temporarily as an end times judgement on mankind before the end of this age. I believe another shadowy organisation, equal in power and wealth to these oligarchs is likely to usurp power from them and rule any future One World Government for the bibles last 3.5 years. The Jesuit Order. 

The Jesuit Order: The founder of the Jesuits Ignatius of Loyola and his compatriots were forced to become Catholics under the threat of torture by the Spanish Inquisition for their membership of an occult group called the “Illuminati.” Its symbol of the Eye of Horus in an Egyptian Pyramid can be seen on the back of the US $ today. After gaining the trust of the Pope they formed their Order to lead the anti-Reformation against protestant’s, which involved them forming a complex espionage network for the Catholic Church, utilising spies, subterfuge and even torture similar to the Spanish Inquisition which it later replaced.  Although Trinitarian Priests are accepted in this Order spiritual forces appear to have kept its main leadership non - Christian to this day. The fact that Pope Francis is a Jesuit reveals that the Jesuits now have full control of the Catholic Church, (thought to be the richest organisation on earth). Pope Francis is in full submission to the Superior General of the Jesuit order which is now never likely to relinquish control of the Catholic Church. Due to its main, original function being espionage it is likely that it has infiltrated  the other Catholic Orders and had previous undercover Jesuit agents becoming Popes going back at least as far as the 2nd WW or beyond. Link Pope Jean Paul. It leads the Global Interfaith Movement which appears set to become the One World Religion which will under gird the One World Government of Rev Ch 13. The Illuminati remerged from within a Jesuit controlled University in 1703 under the leadership of a supposedly “former” Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, who appears to me to have simply gone undercover and falsely claimed to no longer be a Jesuit. The western monarchs put pressure on the Pope to ban the Jesuit Order due to it’s agents meddling in their political affairs. Soon after a fake ban was imposed by the Pope the Illuminati appeared with its agents found to be infiltrating the Freemasons in the early C18th. Napoleon persecuted the Illuminati as he also wanted to control of Freemasonry and had his own agents infiltrating its ranks. Such conspiracies were well known about and accepted as fact in those days. Today the mass media has used propaganda to lull us into thinking that conspiracies for power no long take place which is quite an irrational thing to believe.  With the Jesuit Order now in control of the vast resources of the Catholic Church there is almost no limit to the funding the Illuminati have available. The Catholic Church itself owns huge amounts of stocks and shares and thereby controls many secular Co.’s on the stockmarket. Up until the 2008 banking crisis, for example, it owned the majority of shares in the Bank of America which was run on its behalf by Jesuit businessmen. Illuminati and Jesuit agents have never looked anything like priests or monks, are often atheists, can be married, even grow into billionaires but are beholden to serve the Jesuit and Illuminati cause. This appears to be global governance, with ideals of a brotherhood of man, peace on earth, equitable sharing of resources, looking after the planets resources in a sustainable way. The U.Ns Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 appears here again. Many politicians appear to have been recruited into its network which rivals that of Freemasonry, (itself dominated by the biggest business men the oligarchs). Their network can fast track politicians aligned with it to the top. Tony Blair may be linked to the Jesuits or their surrogate organisation the Illuminati. President Macron of France on the other hand appeared out of the Rothsschildds banking system and so was probably fast tracked by their Freemasonry influence into his position of power. It’s all about being connected, who you know, so those who operate with help from these networks tend to emerge as leaders most easily and most often. Obviously most politicians probably use these networks for their own self ends but if they stray from their agendas they can then be brought down by blackmail attempts or by scandles being released through the mass media. This is how politics really works. It is very hard for independent politicians to gain power against the might and influence of these networks. The right wing parties appear to be influenced by the Freemasonry networks. The left wing, for example the US Democratic Party and Labour Party in the UK appear to be influenced by the Jesuits. Jacob Rees-Mogg stood up in Parliament and openly accused the Labour Party of being linked to the illuminati just a few years ago, I was watching TV at the time, he meant it. These two powerful organisation have been fighting to control politics for hundreds of years. Their netwroks are well developed. It is the same in the economic sphere as they gain an ever greater control of Co.’s on yhe stock market which then have to line up with their agendas. They are in a temporary alliance with each other as both seek global dominion, an authoritarian global government. They don’t care whether that is right left wing, they are neither, both organisations are totalitarian. The politicians have been fooled once again. The illuminati are now allowed an Order within Freemasonry. Leading Freemasons are invited into Jesuit run organisations. There was a temporary division between them which allowed Trump into power in 2016. This broke out as Freemasons tried to take over the leadership of the Catholic Order of the Knights of Malta. The Jesuits are known to have always supported the Clintons, (probably Biden and Obama and other leading politicains within the democratic party too?). Hilary Clinton was expected to win the 2016 US election. The Jesuits had already defeated the Freemasonry bid to take over the Knights of Malta, (which by the way the odd prophet Rick Joyner heads up for the whole of North America). Maybe the Freemasons were feeling left out in the power sharing and had the FBI expose Hillary Clintons dodgy emails that threatened national security right before the election, assisting a Trump victory. Once in power Trump was his own man, acting with confidence that only someone high in narcissism can. He was a nationalist who openly opposed the globalist’s agenda, promoted by both the oligarch Freemasons and Jesuit Order. Both these globalists organisations then appeared to reform their previous alliance, rigged the 2020 elections and installed Biden in power. At the same time they jointly promoted the pandemic agenda to subdugate the masses in preparation of the move to the new system.

The battle for control of the One World Government:  Once China is defeated (either militarily, economically, through natural disasters or perhaps a man-made pandemic), and Russia is absorbed back into the G8, then no one will be able to stand against that group becoming the global Government. Westerners may even be relieved if it offers stability and is from the lands they are a part of not a foreign invading force. It is clear that politicians will not have the real power in this New World Order. The oligarchs probably expect it will be them. I think they will be undermined and then controlled by the Jesuit order though. The oligarchs clearly have blood on their hands after promoting the often toxic gene based voxxines. Although as an ally the Jesuits probably gave their full support to this oligarch agenda they have done so from the shadows. Once power is established they could blackmail the oligarchs by threatening to expose their crimes and put them through the court of law and public opinion. Both the oligarchs and leading politicians have already broken the Nuremberg Code on medical ethics. I therefore think it will be left wing politicians who will become the figureheads, those who are aligned with the Jesuit Order and illuminati. Green politicians of this ilk will probably become the tens kings who rule the emerging Global Government. At the end of the 3.5 year reign  they would then be the ones to submit all power to the antichrist who will no doubt in my mid be an undercover Jesuit operative, someone who already exists in US politics but was perhaps born in Europe, uniting the two places. I believe the Pope will share control of the global interfaith movement, the one world religion, with an apostate protestant prophet to unite those two cultural groups in the western world, where the beast empires power will be founded. We would then end up with something very similar to what most of the historic protestant denominations have expected for hundreds of years, the Catholic Church ruling the Beast Empire of Rev Ch 13, and its leader becoming the antichrist. The difference being the Jesuits already rule the Catholic Church so it will be a new Superior General of the Jesuit Order, not the Pope who will become antichrist. And the public may not be told who the next leader of the Jesuits is as that may undermine his credibility as a man of the people. There may be more delays or things could happen suddenly, the point is the process has already started. We saw the fruit of authoritarianism as we were placed under luckdown, house arrest, without any democratic consent for a viras that gates now claims was no worse than bad flu, then coerced into taking untested voxxines that contain all sorts of things not fit or safe for human consumption, then track and traced and pressed to accept a voxxine passport I.D system. Omicron has caused their agenda to falter but for how long? The oligarchs have played their hand and should the masses find out they will be in great danger so have to push on towards authoritarian control as a matter of urgency. And behind them of course is the devil who not only wants to control mankind but wants to destroy us; he’s not going to allow the Jesuits to achieve peace on earth and equity for all even if that were their main concern.


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