Specific Places

Subfolder GREEN TREE

(C1) An Underground Move of the Holy Spirit in the UK, (Anonymous, 1999): in

(C1) An Underground Move of the Holy Spirit in the UK, (Anonymous, 1999):

C2) God is displeased with His house the church in Britain, (P.

C2) God is displeased with His house the church in Britain, (P. Miller, 2002):

C3) UK INT A Wave of the Spirit coming to Britain from Africa, (L. Duns, 1996).

C3) UK INT A Wave of the Spirit coming to Britain from Africa, (L. Duns, 1996).

C4) UK INT The Great Revival, Two Distict Moves of Gods Before This, - Smith Wig

C4) UK INT The Great Revival, Two Distict Moves of Gods Before This, - Smith Wigglesworth, (1947).

C5) UK INT A Move of the Spirit from Africa, the Falling Away and the Two Lampst

C5) UK INT A Move of the Spirit from Africa, the Falling Away and the Two Lampstand’s, (Mark Aldrige, 2004).

C6) UK Interprting Smith Wigglesworth’s Move of the Spirit Prophecy and its Ef

C6) UK Interpreting Smith Wigglesworth’s Move of the Spirit Prophecy and its Effect in the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2004).

C7) [UK INT], A Prophetic Word for Europe with Emphasis on Britain, (John Mulind

C7) [UK INT], A Prophetic Word for Europe with Emphasis on Britain, (John Mulinde,1996).

C8) Missing

C8) Missing

C9) UK INT Three Stages to the Great Revival, (Smith Wigglesworth, 1939)

C9) UK INT Three Stages to the Great Revival, (Smith Wigglesworth, 1939)

C10) Teaching Flourishing in Britain During Revival Moves, (Derek Prince, 1992)

C10) Teaching Flourishing in Britain During Revival Moves, (Derek Prince, 1992)

C11) UK INT A Period of Teaching and Discernment During a Move of God, (S. Dobbs

C11) UK INT A Period of Teaching and Discernment During a Move of God, (S. Dobbs, 2004)

C12) A Future Wall of Intersession Protecting Revival in Britain (L. Duns, 1994)

C12) A Future Wall of Intersession Protecting Revival in Britain (L. Duns, 1994).

C13) Missing

C13) Missing

C14) Missing

C14) Missing

C15) A Message from the Lord for the Church in Bristol. (S. Dobbs, 2003).

C15) A Message from the Lord for the Church in Bristol. (S. Dobbs, 2003).

C16) An encouraging word concerning the effectiveness of men and women coming to

C16) An encouraging word concerning the effectiveness of men and women coming together for the Kingdom of God. (L. Duns, 2003).

C18) UK A word from God describing the state of the Church in Britain, (L. Duns,

C18) UK A word from God describing the state of the Church in Britain, (L. Duns, 1997).

C19) UK Black Christians and Gods Lightening War in the U.K. (S. Dobbs, Nov 2002

C19) UK Black Christians and Gods Lightening War in the U.K. (S. Dobbs, Nov 2002).

C20) Revival in the UK will be different to what we are expecting, (L. Perry 200

C20) Revival in the UK will be different to what we are expecting, (L. Perry 2005).

C21) UK The Lights of Revival (L. Duns, 2004).

C21) UK The Lights of Revival (L. Duns, 2004).

C22) Missing

C22) Missing

C23) UK A Wind of unbelief blowing across the Nation, (S. Dobbs, 2004).

C23) UK A Wind of unbelief blowing across the Nation, (S. Dobbs, 2004).

C24) UK Praise Fires in a Spiritual Winter, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2004).

C24) UK Praise Fires in a Spiritual Winter, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2004).

C25) UK [INT], The Falling Away, (S. Dobbs, 2003).

C25) UK [INT], The Falling Away, (S. Dobbs, 2003).

C26) UK A Word Describing Today’s Spiritual Climate, (L. Duns, Feb 2004)

C26) UK A Word Describing Today’s Spiritual Climate, (L. Duns, Feb 2004)

C27) The Church of the U.S.A will be Filtered by Deception: (S. Dobbs, 2005).

C27) The Church of the U.S.A will be Filtered by Deception: (S. Dobbs, 2005).

C28) UK, A False Teacher Influencing the People of God. (C. Nambassa July 2004).

C28) UK, A False Teacher Influencing the People of God. (C. Nambassa July 2004).

C29) A Previous Opportunity for a Move of God in Britain, (A. Sheffield, 2001).

C29) A Previous Opportunity for a Move of God in Britain, (A. Sheffield, 2001).

C30) USA A Word for North America, (Cindy Jacobs).

C30) USA A Word for North America, (Cindy Jacobs).

C31) Missing

C31) Missing

C32) Missing

C32) Missing

C33) USA Vision For The American Church, (Rev B. Franklin, 1996).

C33) USA Vision For The American Church, (Rev B. Franklin, 1996).

C34) Lava Flows of the Spirit Across the UK, (Anonymous, 2004)

C34) Lava Flows of the Spirit Across the UK, (Anonymous, 2004)

C35) Missing

C35) Missing

C36) IRAN Iran will be a Global Indicator of Movement from Militant Islam to New

C36) IRAN Iran will be a Global Indicator of Movement from Militant Islam to New Age Interfaith, (Anonymous, 2006).

C37) The Balance Between the Strong and Weak Parts of the US Church , (S.Dobbs,

C37) The Balance Between the Strong and Weak Parts of the US Church , (S.Dobbs, 2007).

C38) USA The Creeping Influence Of The Banks And Freemasonry Within The USA. (S.

C38) USA The Creeping Influence Of The Banks And Freemasonry Within The USA. (S. Dobbs, 2007).

C39) Missing

C39) Missing

C40) Missing

C40) Missing

C41) Great Judgements, (Stanley Frodisham, 1965).

C41) Great Judgements, (Stanley Frodisham, 1965).

C43) AFRICA Prophetic Insights For Africa, (Mary Lindow, Feb 13, 2007).

C43) AFRICA Prophetic Insights For Africa, (Mary Lindow, Feb 13, 2007).

C44) EUROPE [INT], Europe will be the Spiritual Centre of the Beast Empire, (S.

C44) EUROPE [INT], Europe will be the Spiritual Centre of the Beast Empire, (S. Dobbs 2007).

C45) UK Waves of Deception Entering the UK, (David Noakes 1990).

C45) UK Waves of Deception Entering the UK, (David Noakes 1990).

C46) Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. D

C46) Interfaith and the Dangers of Self Promotion Amongst Some Christians, (S. Dobbs, 2005).

(C47) AFRICA: Christian Leaders in Africa, (S. Dobbs, 2004).

(C47) AFRICA: Christian Leaders in Africa, (S. Dobbs, 2004).

C48) Missing

C48) Missing

C49) EUROPE [INT]. EUROPE Rapid moral decline in Europe. Political links with th

C49) EUROPE [INT]. EUROPE Rapid moral decline in Europe. Political links with the USA. (S. Dobbs, Jan 2007).

C50) EUROPE [INT], The European Union, E.U, (S. Dobbs, Aug 2007).

C50) EUROPE [INT], The European Union, E.U, (S. Dobbs, Aug 2007).

C51) UK INT Further Prophetic Insights into Smith Wigglesworth's Prediction of a

C51) UK INT Further Prophetic Insights into Smith Wigglesworth's Prediction of a Great Revival, (S. Dobbs, 2009).

C52) John Mullinde’s Word for France, 1997.

C52) John Mullinde’s Word for France, 1997.

C53) A Prophecy For America, (B. J. Franklin, Aug 2009).

C53) A Prophecy For America, (B. J. Franklin, Aug 2009).

(C54) UK: A Sinking Ship and a Grassroots Move of God in the UK, (S. Dobbs, Jan

(C54) UK: A Sinking Ship and a Grassroots Move of God in the UK, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2006).

C55) Vision of the Acid Rain Cloud in England, (by Richard Smith, 1994).

C55) Vision of the Acid Rain Cloud in England, (by Richard Smith, 1994).

C56), The Growth of Paganism in UK, the New Age floods into the church, (S. Dobb

C56), The Growth of Paganism in UK, the New Age floods into the church, (S. Dobbs, 2011).

C57) Churches will be burnt down, (S. Dobbs 2007).

C57) Churches will be burnt down, (S. Dobbs 2007).

C58) A Word for Israel, (John Mullinde).

C58) A Word for Israel, (John Mullinde).

C59) Omitted as 3 x C70

C59) Omitted as 3 x C70

C60) Gap

C60) gap

C61) NOW C71 The Raising up of the Black Race , (S. Dobbs,2003)

C61) NOW C71 The Raising up of the Black Race , (S. Dobbs,2003)

C62) gap or missing

C62) gap or missing

C63) A Holiness Wind of the Spirit, (D. Minor, 1987).

C63) A Holiness Wind of the Spirit, (D. Minor, 1987).

C64), Many will soon abandon the faith across the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2014):

C64), Many will soon abandon the faith across the UK, (S. Dobbs, 2014):

C65), A future UK Grassroots Move of God and a False Movement Appearing Within T

C65), A future UK Grassroots Move of God and a False Movement Appearing Within This, (S. Dobbs, 2014)


C66)??? Missing

C67) USA split into 4 Nations, (Darren Smith, June 2009).

C67) USA split into 4 Nations, (Darren Smith, June 2009).

C68) USA, “Pearl Harbour for THE Church,” (James Kehrli, 1984).

C68) USA, “Pearl Harbour for THE Church,” (James Kehrli, 1984).

C69) A division in the US church, the Interfaith is arising, decisions to make,

C69) A division in the US church, the Interfaith is arising, decisions to make, (S. Dobbs June 2015):

C70) Three Judgements and Gods last word on America, (John Mulinde, 2004).

C70) Three Judgements and Gods last word on America, (John Mulinde, 2004).

C71) The Raising up of the Black Race in the End Times, (S. Dobbs,2003)

C71) The Raising up of the Black Race in the End Times, (S. Dobbs,2003)

C72) also A64) The Cup of Judgement is Full a Prophetic Word for the USA, (Evan

C72) also A64) The Cup of Judgement is Full a Prophetic Word for the USA, (Evangelist Danny Louis Abaldo, July 31 2011).

C73) MAIN Word for Europe incl Britain and France, (John Mullinde, 1996/7).

C73) MAIN Word for Europe incl Britain and France, (John Mullinde, 1996/7).

C74) Ezekiel 38, Gog of Magog Followed by a Move of Gods Spirit in the Middle Ea

C74) Ezekiel 38, Gog of Magog Followed by a Move of Gods Spirit in the Middle East, (S. Dobbs, 2002).

C5b) A Move of the Spirit to the UK from Africa, and the Two Lampstands, (Anonym

C5 b) A Move of the Spirit to the UK from Africa, and the Two Lampstands, (Anonymous, 2004):

C75), Israel’s Acceptance of Christ, Rev, Prod Son, (S. Dobbs, late 1990's)

C75), Israel’s Acceptance of Christ, Rev, Prod Son, (S. Dobbs, late 1990's)

C76 also A42 A Realigning of National Churches in the Global Body of Christ, (S.

C76 also A42 A Realigning of National Churches in the Global Body of Christ, (S. Dobbs, 2005).

C78) The False Hope of a Christian Global Apostolic Government, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2

C78) The False Hope of a Christian Global Apostolic Government, (S. Dobbs, Jan 2016).

C77), A word explaining D. Minors prophecy and Gods judgement that came upon the

C77), A word explaining D. Minors prophecy and Gods judgement that came upon the UK church in 1987.

C79) Prayer, like scissors, needed to fully cut us free from the E.U, (Gill, 6th

C79) Prayer, like scissors, needed to fully cut us free from the E.U, (Gill, 6th Feb, 2016).

C80) The E. U, Brexit Prayer, the Last Days

C80) The E. U, Brexit Prayer, the Last Days

C81) The Dangers of Previously Good Ministries Falling Away, (S. Dobbs, Dec 20th

C81) The Dangers of Previously Good Ministries Falling Away, (S. Dobbs, Dec 20th, 2016).

C82) Protection advice for UK, (and USA) Christians, (S. Dobbs, 16th Jan, 2017).

C82) Protection advice for UK, (and USA) Christians, (S. Dobbs, 16th Jan, 2017).

C83) A Sudden Worsening in the Rate of Moral Decline is yet to Occur Across Euro

C83) A Sudden Worsening in the Rate of Moral Decline is yet to Occur Across Europe, (Mark Aldridge, in approx 2005/6):

C84) The Future of Revival and African Christianity within the UK: (S. Dobbs and

C84) The Future of Revival and African Christianity within the UK: (S. Dobbs and others, 2003 to 2020):

C74b) A move of Gods Spirit out to the Islamic world, (S. Dobbs, 2003):

C74b) A move of Gods Spirit out to the Islamic world, (S. Dobbs, 2003):

A87) Shaking China and the World into Awakening, (Yvonne Coombs, 27 June 2020):

A87) Shaking China and the World into Awakening, (Yvonne Coombs, 27 June 2020):

C88) TO THE MAORI PEOPLE; (Lila Diprose, 20/6/2005):E

C88) TO THE MAORI PEOPLE; (Lila Diprose, 20/6/2005):

C89) PROPHETIC WORD FOR NEW ZEALAND; (From the Inuit of the Arctic Circle, Aug 2

C89) PROPHETIC WORD FOR NEW ZEALAND; (From the Inuit of the Arctic Circle, Aug 2004):

C90) A WORD FOR THE PEOPLE CALLED MAORI, (Extracts by A. Watts, 1997):

C90) A WORD FOR THE PEOPLE CALLED MAORI, (Extracts by A. Watts, 1997):

C91) Smith Wigglesworth and Derek Prince, (recorded by A. Strom sometime after 2

C91) Smith Wigglesworth and Derek Prince, (recorded by A. Strom sometime after 2009):

C92), God wants New Zealand Back, (David Pawson, 1982):

C92), God wants New Zealand Back, (David Pawson, 1982):

C93), THE COMMANDO ARMY, (by Ron McKenzie):

C93), THE COMMANDO ARMY, (by Ron McKenzie):

C94) WHAT IS GOD SAYING TO THE NATION? (Extracts by A. Watts):

C94) WHAT IS GOD SAYING TO THE NATION? (Extracts by A. Watts):

C95) An opposing dark spiritual cloud of personal opposition, a barrier to perce

C95) An opposing dark spiritual cloud of personal opposition, a barrier to perceiving the end times, and Gods help and light arriving later, (S. Dobbs, 28th Oct 2020):

C96 Video of Prophetic Words for Nigeria from Rag nation linked prophets

C96 Video of Prophetic Words for Nigeria from Rag nation linked prophets



C97) Asbury University, a Revival? Discernemnt and Prediction, 18th Feb 2023.

C97) Asbury University, a Revival? Discernemnt and Prediction, 18th Feb 2023.

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